Tag Archives: free warrant check

Finding Out If A Person Has An Arrest Warrant

Finding Out If A Person Has An Arrest Warrant

Whether you’re looking because you’re worried an arrest warrant has been filed against you or because you need to know about a person you’re dealing with, everyone has their own reasons for needing to know how to go about finding out if a person has an arrest warrant. The most common reasons to find out […]

The Reality of Unemployment Fraud

Do You Have to Post Bail in California

Unemployment fraud isn’t new. There have been instances of it dating all the way back to when the system for helping people stay financially solvent after they suddenly lost a job was first created. The high number of people who were forced to claim unemployment benefits when the COVID-19 pandemic struck the United States, combined […]

Can Police be Blamed for Accidents that Occur During Police Pursuits

Can Police be Blamed for Accidents that Occur During Police Pursuits

On your television set, police pursuits always look exciting. If you’re ever involved with one, either as a suspect or as an innocent bystander, you quickly learn that they’re actually quite frightening. Data collected and published by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration in 2001 revealed that police pursuits are deadly. During that year, police […]

Porterville Bail Bonds Will Guide You Through The Bail Process


Finding out that you need to bail someone out of jail isn’t exactly exciting news. You go from having a normal day to stressing about how you are going to help out your friend or family member. After all, like most people, you’ve never bailed someone out of jail. This is uncharted territory as you […]

Get Peace of Mind with a Free Warrant Check

One of the last things anyone wants for Christmas this year would be getting arrested for an outstanding warrant. No one wants to go to jail, but it can often be difficult for a person to know if a warrant has been issued for their arrest. It is not like the police call people to […]

Need a Warrant Check?

It might surprise you to learn that it is possible for a warrant to be issued for a person’s arrest without him knowing. In fact, this kind of thing happens all of the time. Usually, a large amount of unpaid tickets are to blame, but it can happen due to other reasons as well. If […]

Is Driving While Hungover Ok?

Porterville Bail Bonds

Everyone knows that driving while drunk is a bad idea. While drunk you have poor motor control, and lack a sense of adequate risk assessment. Basically, you can’t control your actions well, and you do things that you wouldn’t normally do while sober. It is easy to see why people should not be driving in […]

New Jersey’s Failed Bail Replacement

Porterville Bail Bonds

At the start of this year, the state of New Jersey eliminated its bail system in favor of a system where judges determine whether or not it is safe to release the defendant. The idea of this new system was to be fairer to people who would not be able to generate the funds needed […]

What Counts As Drug Possession?

Porterville Bail Bonds

With the passing of prop 64, the topic of drug possession has become more prominent in recent months. While it is now legal for people 21 and older to possess some small amount of marijuana, this is the only drug that has been legalized.Even still, there are rules and restrictions to its use. Even though […]

What is Petty Theft?

Long Beach Bail Bonds

Everyone understands the concept of theft, and how bad it is. However, once law enforcement gets involved, it can get confusing for many people not familiar with their terminology. Law enforcement officers have many different phrases and terms for different crimes. These terms help the officers identify the severity of crime, and many other factors. […]