Tag Archives: bail information

New Jersey’s Failed Bail Replacement

Porterville Bail Bonds

At the start of this year, the state of New Jersey eliminated its bail system in favor of a system where judges determine whether or not it is safe to release the defendant. The idea of this new system was to be fairer to people who would not be able to generate the funds needed […]

Bail Amounts for Common Offenses

Porterville Bail Bond Store

In order to be released from jail, a person must meet certain “requirements.” This includes: 1. Having not yet been convicted of the crime. 2. Having solid, reliable relationships with others in the community. This shows that the defendant is likely to appear for court and less likely to flee. 3. Not appearing as a […]

What is Bail and Who Does it Apply To?

Long Beach Bail Bonds

Bail and bail bonds exist for the purpose of releasing a recently arrested person from jail. This person can then return home, to work, and can get back into as normal of a daily routine as possible. However, they will need to adjust their schedule to accommodate court dates and any other court-mandated appearances like […]

What You Need to Know About Being a Bail Bond Co-Signer

Andy Moreno Bail Bonds

When a legal document needs a co-signer, it means it needs an additional person to cover the debt in case the first person, cannot make good on their payments and promises. Co-signers are not uncommon for major purchases like cars, homes, loans, and even bail bonds. A co-signer will generally have a good credit history […]

Benefits to Using Bail Bonds

Visalia Bail Bond Store

Deciding on whether or not you should hire a bail bond company can be difficult. There are a lot of things to consider.However, when you call Visalia Bail Bond Store, the only issue you should have is who will be picking your loved one up from jail. Here are 2 of the biggest benefits to […]

Can I Still be Charged for a Crime 10 Years Later?

Andy Moreno Bail Bonds

If you committed some sort of illegal action some years ago, and continue to think about how you got away with it.If you worry that it is going to come back and haunt you one day, you should learn what ‘statute of limitations’ means. A statute of limitations refers to the time within which legal […]

Cash Bail vs. Bail Bond: Which is Better for Your Situation?

Carson Bail Bond Store

Contrary to what some people may think, posting bail using a bail bond does not mean you donot have the funds to post bail in 100% cash. People who use bail bonds arenot poorer, they merely see a bail bond as being more beneficial to them. Cash Bail If posting bail in 100% cash, there […]

The Role of a Bail Bond Co-Signer

Downey Bail Bond Store

When a defendant is in the process of bailing out of jail with a bail bond, they will need a loved one to commit to the role of a co-signer. The co-signer is tasked with making sure the defendant shows up for their scheduled court date. How involved they are with this task varies from […]

The Crucial Role of the Bail Bond Co-Signer company based

Porterville Bail Bond Store

If there is one person that someone out on bail does not want to anger, annoy, or lose trust with, it is the co-signer of his or her bail bond. If the co-signer is a best friend, then the defendant can butt heads with their siblings and parents all they want. It is the best […]

Get Help from Tulare Bail Bond Store

Did you ever imagine being that person to get the disturbing phone call learning your loved one has been arrested?That phone call and news can be shocking, and you can find yourself suddenly needing to figure out how to post their bail. Since you are overwhelmed by so many different emotions, figuring out how to […]