Tag Archives: bail online

What is Disorderly Conduct in California

What is Disorderly Conduct in California

Disorderly conduct in California isn’t really one specific charge. It’s a blanket term that covers a surprisingly large array and variety of charges. Charges that fall under the category of disorderly conduct in California include: ✦ Trespassing ✦ Rioting ✦ Begging ✦ Disturbing the peace ✦ Prostitution (both soliciting and engaging) ✦ Public intoxication ✦ […]

Understanding the Ins and Outs of Stealing Cars in California

Understanding the Ins and Outs of Stealing Cars in California

A recent incident that involved two police officers, one dressed as Santa and the other as his elf, has everyone in California thinking about the ins and outs of stealing cars. The Santa episode took place in Riverside where local police were dressed as Christmas staples in an effort to go undercover and catch shoplifters. […]

California’s Three Strikes and Your Out Policy

California's Three Strikes and Your Out Policy

California was once famous for its three strikes and your out brand of criminal justice. How the Three Strikes Law Worked The three-strikes law went into effect in 1994. The law was originally proposed in direct response to the horrific murders of Polly Klass and Kimber Reynolds. The way the Three Strikes law works is […]

Pepper Spray: California’s Laws and Ownership Regulations

Pepper Spray: California's Laws and Ownership Regulations

If you consider pepper spray the perfect self-defense tool, you’re not alone. The world is full of people who feel safer when they have a small container of pepper spray in their pockets. The spray is affordable, easy to find, and legal. Or is it? Who Can and Can’t Use Pepper Spray in California? Most […]

Strange Laws In California

Strange Laws In California

When people think about laws, they often think about sensible rules that make sense. However, it is important to remember that laws are made by people, and this means that some real nonsense can be made into actual laws that govern the people. This is true of every country, state, and city. California is no […]

A Dog Bite Could Have Legal Ramifications

A Dog Bite Could Have Legal Ramifications

Dogs are wonderful animals. They provide unconditional love, companionship, and can even be our protectors. In recent years, there has been an increase in the number of people turning their dog into an emotional support animal, which allows them to bring the animal into establishments where dogs aren’t otherwise allowed. While the emotional support dogs […]

Drug Manufacturing Is Very Illegal in California

Drug Manufacturing Is Very Illegal in California

Drugs are defined as medicine or other substances that have physiological effects when ingested or otherwise introduced to the body. Drugs can help people feel better in all sorts of ways from fighting off bacteria to reducing inflammation. However, even the most helpful of drugs can be harmful to a person if they consume too […]