Tag Archives: latest bail bond news Porterville

What Cosigners And Defendants Need To Know

Cosigning onto a bail bond is a huge gesture of the signer towards the defendant who needs the bail bond. However, it also is a risk for the cosigner. And for the defendant, it is a lot of trust and good faith instill upon them, from the cosigner. For the cosigner: You are agreeing to […]

What’s In A Bail Bond Cosigner

Bail bond cosigners are very important people with very important roles. Cosigners are people who have close relationships with the defendant, willing to be responsible for the defendant while they’re out on bail, and ready to face consequences if they fail. But, that is if they let themselves fail. The cosigner sees that the defendant […]

What Collateral Can Be Used For Bail Bonds

Bail bonds typically require collateral to be pledged, which is basically like another insurance and surety. The defendant’s number one requirement for a bail bond is to show up for court dates. To further incentivize him or her to honor this agreement, the collateral for a bail bond is pledged and returned at the end […]

Porterville Bail Bond Store Looks Out For Your Safety

Porterville Bail Bond Store is a safe and smart alternative to jail. Every image you make up in your head about jail is not pretty. It’s dirty and dark. It’s uncomfortable and cramped with other people. It’s cold and can be dangerous. If your loved one is in jail, you’re likely stressed with anxiety just […]

People Hide Criminal History Very Well

Do you ever wonder if anyone you know has a criminal record? Maybe a coworker, or the cashier at the grocery store you always chat with, or even a close friend who you met through a mutual friend. Do you ever wonder what their past was like? It is very possible you know someone who […]

Having a Legal Issue and Figuring Out If You Can Vote

With it being an election year, and a big Presidential Election at that, many of you with loved ones who have a criminal history, or are currently serving time, are probably wondering if they are eligible to vote in November. You may be wondering about your own eligibility, because of your own criminal past. Here […]

Can You Vote? All These Say Yes!

The Presidential Election is only a few months away, and for eligible voters, it is quite an exciting time. From first-time voters, to those seeking to elect a candidate who can make a positive difference, it is sure to be quite the election. Here are some voting rights you may or may not know about: […]

Porterville Bail Bond Store Makes Bail Easier and More Affordable

You probably think that bailing someone out of jail is difficult to do, especially since it means letting a possible criminal out in public. Yes, bailing out of jail can be difficult and challenging, but only if you do not know the best way to do this. For one, you do not have to attack […]

Probable Cause vs. Reasonable Suspicion

To you, reasonable suspicion and probable cause sound like they mean the same thing. However, to Porterville Bail Bond Store, the police, and the court, these have different, though similar, meanings. Reasonable Suspicion: Reasonable assumption that a crime has taken place, is taking place, or will take place, based on a police officer’s professional training […]

How to Party In College, a Lesson from Porterville Bail Bond Store

As much as all of you college-aged kids do not want to go back to school for academics, we bet you are excited to see all of your friends again and to not be under Mom and Dad’s roof. You have the best time at college; living with friends, going to parties, and being on […]